Promise #222: I will be your security and a safe place for your children. Proverbs 14:26 (WEB) In the fear of Yahweh is a secure fortress, and he will be a refuge for his children. The person who reveres the Lord has the confidence that God will be a place of safety for them and a place of refuge for their children. God is our secure fortress. Nothing can penetrate His walls. We are safe and secure in the center of His heart. While this is good news for us, it is a promise for our children as well. In a world that seems to always be on shaky ground, this is a promise that we can rely on. For those of us who have children, this is a promise that we can claim for them too! Our own three children are adults now and are dealing with the pressures of this world just like everybody else. While sometimes I wish I could protect them like I used to when they were young, I am encouraged to think that God is still their safe place, no matter what struggles they go through. May each one of us claim this promise for ourselves and for our loved ones today! View 3 more daily posts from the creators of 365 Promises...
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