Promise #165: Call out to Me and I will show you wonderful things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3 (WEB) Call to me, and I will answer you, and will show you great things, and difficult, which you don’t know. Little children are the most inquisitive people on the planet. They are filled with awe about their surroundings and continually asking their parents questions about what, where, when, why, how, etc. I love to see the interaction between these little ones and their loving parents. Daddy, why is the sky blue? Mommy, how come I have five toes? It is wonderful to see the patience that loving parents have for all of these questions. Though most of the time their children cannot comprehend even the most simple of answers, it isn't the answers that are what's important. It is the fact that parents have made themselves available to their wee ones and have all the time in the world to answer their questions. When I think of this promise and how God has invited us to ask Him all the questions we want, I am reminded of the loving interaction between a parent and a small child. To think that the God of the universe has all the time in the world to answer my questions is amazing! If you have had parents that weren't available to answer your questions when you were younger, you might think that God will respond the same way to you. The truth is that God is the perfect Father and He invites us to ask Him questions and His promise to us is that He will answer us and show us wonderful things that we do not know! Read our other daily posts...
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