Promise #155: When I open My hand, I provide for all that I have created. Psalm 145:16 (WEB) You open your hand, and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Just think of this promise. When God simply opens His hand, He provides for all that He created! Sometimes when I ask for daily provision, it is like I am doing so expecting some big miracle. But the truth of the matter is that fathers provide for their children. Since God is the perfect Father, He has made a commitment to provide for all that He has created. Sadly, we still see unfathomable suffering around the world. From what I understand, God has provided enough food to feed every person on the planet. The issue is not with Him, but with those charged to steward the resources of the earth. If we would only be willing to share the wealth of our resources that God has given to us, there would be no starvation. It isn't God who isn't providing, rather it is a world full of orphan-hearted people that aren't willing to share what they have received. When it comes to our daily provision, we need not look to our own resources for the answer, but to the unlimited resources that come from heaven. May we all echo the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray to our Father in the Lord's prayer and say... "Give us this day our daily bread". If Jesus said that we should ask our Father daily for provision, then we need to link our faith with expectancy that He hears our prayers and He will be faithful to provide... Just by opening up His hand! Read our other daily posts...
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