Promise #331: I will be your light and you shall reign with Me forever. Revelation 22:5 (WEB) There will be no night, and they need no lamp light; for the Lord God will illuminate them. They will reign forever and ever. We live in a world full of darkness. Wars, rumors of wars, heartache, and loss seem to abound all around us. If we focus on the darkness, we may get discouraged. However, the Bible says in Ephesians 5:8 that we do not live in darkness but are called to live as children of light, living in the light of the Lord. Today's Scripture focuses on the promise of eternal life and the fact that one day, all darkness will cease. I pray that we all will be strengthened and encouraged by this thought. Though we still need to grapple with injustice and darkness in this fallen world, there is a time coming when there will be no need for the light of a candle or the brightness of the sun to drive out the darkness. Today's promise tells us that God Himself will be the light in His everlasting kingdom and that we will rule and reign with Him in the brightness of His glory forever! May hope rise in our hearts as we are reminded that God is light, and in Him is no darkness! (1 John 1:5) Read our other daily posts...
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