Promise #236: I am pleased when you share with others. Hebrews 13:16 (WEB) But don’t forget to be doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. When our children were younger, my heart always grieved when they didn't get along. I didn't like having to be a referee at the dinner table or break up arguments in the backyard. As a father, I wanted my children to love each other, live in harmony, share nicely, and be kind to one another. Our heavenly Father is no different. In this passage of Scripture, the writer of Hebrews reminds us not to forget to do good and share with others because these are the things that make God happy. In a world with many Christian denominations, I think God's kids tend to focus on the minors in our Christian walk rather than the things that really touch His heart. The sacrifices in everyday life that make Him smile are simply the good things we do for others. I want to remember this today as I go about my daily routine because I want to make my Dad smile. How about you? Read our other daily posts...
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