Promise #171: My Spirit will rest on you when you suffer for Christ's sake. 1 Peter 4:14 (WEB) If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed; because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. On their part he is blasphemed, but on your part he is glorified. The Bible says that those who live a godly life will suffer persecution. We live in an orphan world with orphan values. Jesus told us that if people would reject Him, then they would reject us too. At some point in our lives, we will all suffer some form of persecution for Christ's sake. Since I live in the west, I wouldn't even try to dare to compare the suffering in my country to the persecution that is happening in many other places around the world. Needless to say, God's grace will be sufficient in whatever level we need it to be for our circumstances. It is reassuring that we can rely on the Holy Spirit to rest on us when we are spoken evil of because of our faith in Jesus. In this KJV translation, the Apostle Peter actually says we should be happy if we are persecuted for the glorious name of Christ. May each one of us count it all joy when we suffer even a little bit for Christ's sake. May our God and Father give us the strength and courage not to back down when people who oppose Christ oppose us. May we consider it an honor to suffer for His name! Read our other daily posts...
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